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16000044 | ThermoFisher | ¥6500.00 | 登录 |
Gibco® Sera: Trusted Quality for Consistent Performance
Sera Category: Performance Plus
• Use for a broad range of cell types, especially sensitive cell lines
• Our most characterized sera with the lowest endotoxin and hemoglobin levels
• Endotoxin level: ≤ 5 EU/ml
• Hemoglobin level: ≤ 10 mg/dl
• Origin: United States
Gibco® Serum Delivers
• ISO 13485 certified, processed in FDA registered facilities
• Labeled for in-vitro diagnostics (compliant with highest level of USP sterility testing)
• Triple filtered at 0.1 µm
• Gibco® bottle is easier to use in the hood, reduces the risk of contamination and helps you perform cell culture more consistently
• Peel-off sticker on label provides handy reference for lot number and expiration date recording in lab notebook
版权所有:©2022 北京欣生科科技有限公司