货号 | 规格 | 品牌 | 库存 由于厂家进出库动态变化,本平台显示信息可能存在滞后,具体库存以下单时客服确认为准 | 目录价 因厂家不定期调价可能造成价格未能及时更新,具体价格以下单时客服确认为准 | 您的价格 注册会员请联系客服或销售申请品牌专属折扣 | 数量 | 购物车 |
10099141 | ThermoFisher | ¥6800.00 | 登录 |
Gibco fetal bovine sera offer excellent value for basic cell culture, specialty research, and specific assays, earning the trust of researchers with consistent quality and award-winning support that helps meet your research needs and budget requirements
Sera Category: Premium (Secure)
Origin: Australia.
Endotoxin level: <=5 EU/mL.
Hemoglobin level: <=30 mg/dL (levels routinely <=25 mg/dL).
版权所有:©2022 北京欣生科科技有限公司